Driving County Roads

An on line journal sharing my views. The content reflects my background as a rural person employed in agriculture and as a retired elected official of local government.

Friday, August 22, 2008


The county fairs are just about over and the Minnesota State Fair is underway. As I attended many of the county fairs and observed the 4-H projects on display, I was again reminded of the immense value of the 4-H program. I dare say that we would have far fewer problem drinkers, drug addicts, out of home placements, and incarcerations if more parents encouraged their young people to become 4-H members.
The following is part of a poem about 4-H membership and how it encourages learning.

"The important things are not the ribbons or pins,
And sometimes it's really the loser who wins.
Now here are the things most important, it's true,
Your 4-H experiences has accomplished for you.

You've seen how a business meeting is run.
This knowledge will help you in years to come.
You've conquered the fear of addressing a crowd,
You've learned how to stand up and talk nice and loud.

Patience you've learned in your projects too,
As well as your skills that will always help you.
You've learned the fine feeling it gives you to lend
A glad helping hand to a stranger or friend.

You've learned to cooperate with majority rule,
To give in with grace and not be a fool
Who must always have his very own way,
Be it in club work, in school, or at play.

You've learned how to lose without making a beef,
You know the judge judges to her best belief.
You've learned how to win without boasting too loud;
A kid can lose friends if he's overly proud.

These are the things most important to you.
You'll remember and use them all your life through.
They'll help you become a mighty fine person,
They'll do more for you than a prize or a ribbon."

This poem says it all. We need more young people who can live to these standards. end


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